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The term that has been around for a while, but still remains mysterious to many – orthobiologics, including orthobiologics in Largo, alternative medicine in Clearwater, alternative medicine in Tampa, orthobiologics in Pinellas Park – is used to refer to methods to replace or regenerate human cells, tissues or organs in order to restore or establish normal function. This includes cell therapies, tissue engineering, gene therapy and biomedical engineering techniques, as well as more traditional treatments involving pharmaceuticals, biologics and devices” (Source). orthobiologics scientists and doctors want the body to be able to heal itself better whenever an injury or disease occurs. The whole idea is simple in nature but quite complex in execution. Let us explain you why it is something we all need!


Helping your body to heal itself

Our bodies, of course, have natural defense mechanisms. A simple example is a cut finger or a broken bone – a healthy individual’s organism will rapidly regain its full functionality. The enticing possibility of accelerating the body’s natural powers to heal itself when a serious injury occurs led to developing this branch of medicine – Orthobiologics

Developing effective methods to regrow, repair, or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs and tissues aren’t new ideas, but they require constant researching, improvements, and extensive clinical studies. The focus is on maximising the efficacy of the treatment and taking medicine to a completely new level, when we treat our bodies in the most effective and bio-friendly way. The goal here is to find a way to cure previously untreatable injuries and diseases. If you are looking for orthobiologics in Largo – good news: treatments are now available for clinical use.

Hope for cancer patients

Modern medicine knows many effective treatments, e.g. the elimination of cancer cells. Unfortunately, in the case of cancer, this is not yet possible without a collateral destruction of healthy cells along the way. This is when a drastic need for new cells occurs within a body. These cells must come from another (healthy) source, like bone marrow from a compatible, healthy donor. Very often, finding a compatible donor in a timely manner is an incredibly difficult task, if at all feasible.

What is the ultimate goal?

Orthobiologics is working to improve the quality of life for patients all over the world. Orthobiologics even has the potential to make laboratory-grown organs which can then be transplanted into a human. In other words, new organs grow in a laboratory from the patient’s own cells! Success in this field means there that the concept of tissue rejection can be completely eliminated. There will soon be no risk of the organ/tissue being rejected by the body, as it happens today during standard organ transplantation between unrelated donors and recipients. There are diseases that are so destructive to the internal body organs that the only hope for the patients is to receive a whole new organ from a donor. The ultimate goal and future prospect of Orthobiologics – including Orthobiologics in Largo, is to be capable of maintaining the body in such a way, there will be no need for whole organs replacement, which again carries a high risk of the foreign organ being rejected. Situations like this may happen sometime after an initially successful transplantation.

3 dimensions


Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials

Tissue Engineering (TE) is an interdisciplinary field mainly focused on the development of tissue and organ substitutes by controlling biological, biophysical and other parameters in the laboratory. The goal is to create functional three-dimensional (3D) substitutes combining scaffolds, cells and/or bioactive molecules that will maintain, improve or restore tissue function. In this way, engineered tissues could sidestep the problems associated with tissue damage, which is currently treated with transplants, mechanical devices or surgical reconstruction.


Cellular Therapies

Many millions of adult cells are found in every human. Our body uses cells as one way of repairing itself. The belief is that cells, harvested and injected into the place which needs to be restored, will reconstruct and restore the tissue (under proper conditions). These cells can be collected from blood, fat, bone marrow, dental pulp, skeletal muscle and other sources. Cord blood provides yet another source of cells. Scientists and clinicians are developing and refining their ability to prepare harvested cells to be injected into patients to repair diseased or damaged tissue.

Read more about orthobiologics, as part of orthobiologics, Largo


Medical Devices and Artificial Organs

In cases where an organ fails, the predominant clinical strategy is to transplant a replacement organ from a donor. The biggest challenge in this process is the donor’s availability and time, which is usually of great value in the transplantation process. In some cases, the time to find a suitable donor organ requires an interim strategy to support or supplement the function of the failing organ until a transplantable organ is found. This creates a growing need for organ assistance and substitution devices. Previously constructed of only synthetic components, such devices may now be either fully artificial or bioartificial- so-called “biohybrid organs” – a combination of biological and synthetic components, often incorporating multiple technologies involving sensors, new biomaterials, and innovative delivery systems.


Orthobiologics – a form of cellular therapy as described by the American Medical Association – is a form of treatment which uses cells to treat or prevent a condition. Forms of Regenerative Therapy have been used for over 30 years, for example the use of bone marrow transplants for cancer patients with leukaemia. orthobiologics is now used for several other conditions, including acute and chronic inflammation (and the prevention of), treating pain, regeneration of tissue, among others. Several studies – as cited by this article – state that cell treatment has reduced pain in over 50% of patients, which is one of the reasons why it is becoming so popular.

Suitable patients can request orthobiologics in Largo, Pinellas Park, Bradenton, Lakeland, or any of the surrounding areas. Depending on your specific circumstances and condition, Orthobiologics can be a good option for any of the following:


Prevention of Chronic Inflammation

Following an injury which causes inflammation – for which the use of anti-inflammatory medication Inflammation has had no effect – steroid injections maybe a suitable option, because leaving chronic inflammation to continue is not advised.


Acute Inflammation

After acute trauma the body’s natural reaction is inflammation. The body naturally produces antibodies and specialized cells, such as Macrophages, Platelets, and Cells, which are attracted to the area of injury. Most of the time repair and healing is the result of this complex process. Injecting additional cells – known as orthobiologics Therapy – may expedite this process, thus increasing healing time and reducing pain.


Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation which continues for a prolonged period of time is known as chronic inflammation. Chronic ligament pain, tendinopathies, tendinosis, and chronic joint inflammation are common examples of this. Dr. Chowdhury can evaluate your injury to assess if orthobiologics is a good option for your specific condition and circumstances.


Regeneration of body tissue

One of the benefits of orthobiologics is tissue regeneration. Regenerative Therapy can help the body to increase the types of cells which promote healing, therefore expediting recovery and reducing pain. For this reason, orthobiologics is often quite popular in the treatment of injured joints where tissue has been damaged, as Orthobiologics promotes the body’s natural healing process.

Alternatively, you can Contact Us with any questions you may have or call our friendly staff today at (727) 526-2771.